Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What the %$#!

Bringing Up Baby was a screwball comedy that leaves the viewer thinking to themselves "What the hell did i just watch?" After watching this movie I didn't really know what i had just watched. Also, reading reviews of the movie from the time of its release, so did other people. The entire time watching the movie you are not quite sure what is going on or why you are watching this film. Throughout the movie the characters are witty and fast talking, almost too witty and too weird. Their actions are questionable and don't seem logical. One example of the illogical factors in this movie is how Susan Vance can take whichever car she pleases. In the scene at the golf course, not only does she just start up Dr. Huxley's car, the crashes into the surrounding cars without thinking twice about it, and how Dr. Huxley didn't act more angrily towards her is beyond me.
Another aspect of the movie that surprised me was how calm Dr. Huxley remained through all of this. His car was stolen, his clothes were stolen, he had to look for a bone the dog stole, chase after a leopard, and this all happened on his wedding day which he didn't seem too concerned about not being there as he played Susan's games all day. The interaction between the two was odd to say the least. Susan found new ways to keep Dr. Huxley from getting to his wedding and Dr. Huxley kept going along with it, it was very frustrating watching these two and never knowing what time it was and if Dr. Huxley would make his wedding.
This movie was funny however. The comedic timing of all the characters was very funny, and the fast talking witty comebacks and interactions between the characters was laughable. The scenario was absurd but made for funny moments and even if you didn't care for the movie you laughed at most parts. The dumb Constable and the drunk gardener made this movie very entertaing.
This movie reminds me of many slapstick comedies being made today. One movie that sticks out in particular is Step Brothers. While i was watching Step Brothers i couldn't believe i had actually paid money for the movie. I was laughing throughout most of the movie but i just couldn't get my head around the absurd scenario the movie had, much like Bringing Up Baby. The thing is though, after I saw it, i found myself quoting the movie quite frequently. My friends and I will find ourselves blurting out funny lines from the movie and still laughing at them. However, we all agree that when we saw Step Brothers we all thought it was one of the worst movies we had ever seen.
Bringing Up Baby reminds me of this because after i saw it kept thinking about some of the lines and the fast talking witty remarks. I doubt i will watch this movie again but it will always be in my head and sometimes i will probably laugh.


  1. By the end, the fast talking in all the scenes drove me crazy. It was funny but by the end it was just tiresome..

  2. The movie was funny and had its moments but some comedic scenes seemed to drag on to long. The movie may be as dumb as Step Brothers but Bringing up Baby is far less vulgar and did not use profanity like Step Brothers...yet it is still funny.

  3. I agree the film had a very confusing quick moving plot line. The fact that she had a leopard didn't even really matter half the movie even though that was the reason Conneticut. Many of the funny parts presented were very predictable and not as funny then. I still would probably watch it again as Eric stated.

  4. The only value this movie has at all is the dialogue. And it's not even that it is exceptionally well written or witty, it is merely novel because of the 1930's slang. I could watch any movie where people talk real fast and where high pants and aren't much ones for supposin', but even that isn't enough to save "Bringing Up Baby". There was a leopard in it. Scratch that, there were two leopards in it. Can you imagine if a modern movies had to rely on cheesy dialogue and random slap stick humor from animals to get cheap laughs? Every movie would have to star Matthew McConaughey. Boom, roasted.

  5. Not ever knowing what time it was throughout the movie was very aggravating. But I feel that he wasn't worried with the time or his wedding because with his fiance there were clearly no sparks or romantic connection. So therefore he really didn't mind missing his own wedding to her. On the other hand even though Susan was fast talking,chaotic, and always made a mess of things, I think she made him feel alive and feel something that he didn't have with his fiance.

  6. I think that never knowing what time it was in the film really affected my viewing of it. It really bothered me that I couldn't follow it, time just seemed to be going so slowly. The fact that he didn't even worry about missing his wedding was just so far fetched, which goes along with the rest of the movie so I think it fits.

  7. I agree that this film had a very unrealistic plot line. The movie was hard to follow. An audience would have trouble understanding everything that was happening and being said. But I think that is the reason the film was funny because the plot line was so ridiculous, you almost had to laugh.
