Wednesday, January 28, 2009

When telling people about this assignment I was amazed how many people had never seen Field of Dreams. I grew up playing baseball and basketball and watching sports movies like Field of Dreams, Major League, and Rudy. So when I saw we were going to watch this classic I jumped on the opportunity to write a blog about it.

There are two themes in this story to me. The first is pretty obvious and is to follow your dreams. The second theme that comes to mind when I watch the movie is never lose your youth.

Follow your dreams is a term that is used commonly in life, but it is shown over and over again in this story. No matter what everyone says Ray still goes with what he feels is right. When Ray and his family were staring poverty in the face Ray knew that he had to stick to his dreams. This really furthers the plot by adding a more magical touch to the story, it gives you that "feel good" feeling.

Never losing your youth is something that I believe in and I am glad that you see examples of it in Field of Dreams. Ray was born and raised on baseball. He knew everything there was to know about the sport because of his father. Therefore baseball is a part of his youth and by following the instructions given by "the voice" he is reminded of his youth and gets to see the baseball he grew up hearing about. This really defines Ray's character by portraying him as not just a hippie from the 60's who decided to grow up, but as a middle aged man who still has passion in his life for the things he grew up falling in love with.

Field of Dreams is a great movie that really gives you hope and makes you feel like a kid again. The passion that Ray shows is different than most stories you hear about anymore. And the themes are simple but important to remember for your life.


  1. I completely agree with the theme to never lose your youth. Ray is a man who grew up on the game of baseball and never gave up on it. Despite all the trials and tribulations he encounters on his journey to hang on to his love of baseball, it pays off in the end when he plays catch with his father. Just goes to show you should never lose your youth.

  2. I actually think that the scene in which Ray plays catch with his father is more about redemption and getting a second chance to right your wrongs. Ray distanced himself from his father as a child when he refused to play baseball. Eventually he fell out of contact with his dad and never had a chance to make things right with him. However, the field gives him a second chance to say goodbye to his father and mend their relationship via the means that initially fractured it.

    P.S. it's Look Your Best/Sweater Vest Friday tomorrow. I think Ray and his father would have both been fond of this new tradition.

  3. I like that it there's this almost oxymoron about youth in an almost old-fashioned sport. I think what best describes Ray's journey and the movie is when Terrence says, "This is your penance."
